Toronto Pinball League
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The Air Up There The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Introduced 01/01/2018

Players With This Badge (42)

PlayerDate Earned
Guido Savosardaro02/10/2025
Jeff Teolis12/09/2024
Donna Wai11/25/2024
Evan Irvine10/28/2024
Sergio Baldis10/28/2024
Joe Bauman07/20/2024
Joey Shynn05/27/2024
Gary Toste05/06/2024
Terry Melnyk01/23/2024
Brian Trenholm10/02/2023
Barry Brdar06/12/2023
Shane Jackson05/15/2023
Doug Baird05/01/2023
Walt Morose03/13/2023
Jeff Hershberg01/19/2023
Karl Braun01/12/2023
David Cowling09/12/2022
Mark Palangio08/15/2022
Mike Luciani07/11/2022
Myles Cameron03/02/2020
Laura Edward02/24/2020
Andrew Aiken02/03/2020
Brian Sauve01/06/2020
Ryan Matheson10/21/2019
Andy McNab10/07/2019
Kirk Hutton09/09/2019
John Flitton06/16/2019
Stephane Raymond06/02/2019
Chris Bardon01/30/2019
Scott Mcdowell01/30/2019
Nick Fattore01/09/2019
John Zaharatos09/24/2018
Mike Cuzzupe09/11/2018
Chris Draper06/25/2018
Josh Zilberberg05/21/2018
Simon Haxton05/21/2018
Charles Blaquiere05/14/2018
Steve Machado03/12/2018
David Newman02/05/2018
Dave Glen01/29/2018
Mike Capocci01/15/2018
Chris Frolic01/09/2018