Toronto Pinball League
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Toronto Pinball League

Active from 01/13/2014 through 03/10/2025.

Played 30 seasons, 314 meets, 1323 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
24 (Luch's) 6,775,150 11,173,640 4,585,200 4
Abra ca Dabra (Luch's) 75,240 75,240 75,240 1
Abra Ca Dabra (Maple) 29,150 38,510 23,630 3
AC/DC (Luch's) 22,027,370 31,632,490 12,422,250 2
AC/DC (Nick's) 32,558,980 52,212,000 19,723,110 4
AC/DC Premium (The Pint) 10,642,220 10,642,220 10,642,220 1
ACDC (Bluffs) 258,832,550 gold medal 258,832,550 258,832,550 1
ACDC (Don’s) 42,575,640 42,575,640 42,575,640 1
ACDC (Tilt) 15,845,300 15,845,300 15,845,300 1
Addams Family (Adam's) 19,017,820 19,017,820 19,017,820 1
Addams Family (Andrew) 40,653,140 109,273,030 10,787,080 5
Addams Family (Maple) 24,316,450 24,316,450 24,316,450 1
Aerosmith LE (Bluffs) 4,180,420 4,180,420 4,180,420 1
Aerosmith Pro (Jim's) 13,793,490 13,793,490 13,793,490 1
Aladdin (Maple) 25,400 25,400 25,400 1
Alien Poker (Bluffs) 561,470 561,470 561,470 1
Alien Poker (Nick's) 194,510 194,510 194,510 1
Alien Poker (The Pint) 270,530 270,530 270,530 1
Arena (Adam's) 1,970,400 3,544,740 396,060 2
Atlantis (Bluffs) 1,349,560 1,349,560 1,349,560 1
Attack from Mars (Adam's) 697,361,470 697,361,470 697,361,470 1
Attack From Mars (Andrew) 3,301,574,710 7,102,357,120 609,747,650 4
Attack from Mars (Andy) 581,149,490 581,149,490 581,149,490 1
Attack From Mars (Glen) 1,420,907,040 2,097,434,760 744,379,310 2
Attack from Mars (Jim's) 1,545,454,200 1,545,454,200 1,545,454,200 1
Attack From Mars (Nick's) 941,414,750 2,044,008,350 181,041,830 9
Avatar (Player One) 101,994,780 gold medal 101,994,782 101,994,782 1
Avatar (Pro) - Stern (Player One) 2,417,160 2,417,160 2,417,160 1
Avengers (Andrew) 2,181,000 2,181,000 2,181,000 1
Avengers (Frolic’s) 3,973,520 3,973,520 3,973,520 1
Avengers (Josh’s) 6,980,540 6,980,540 6,980,540 1
Avengers (Kim's) 3,564,610 3,564,610 3,564,610 1
Avengers (Luch's) 36,334,870 113,672,490 7,692,620 4
Avengers (Maple) 20,982,160 20,982,160 20,982,160 1
Avengers (Nick's) 31,461,880 59,827,290 3,096,470 2
Avengers Infinity Quest (Bardon's) 21,167,020 50,217,830 9,600,500 6
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Pro) - Stern (Player One) 85,004,390 136,118,290 33,890,480 2
Bad Cats (Maple) 2,543,190 3,667,910 1,418,470 2
Banzai Run (Jim's) 603,410 967,270 388,000 4
Banzai Run (Maple) 547,000 547,000 547,000 1
Batman 66 LE (Nick's) 109,900,780 261,251,210 8,770,290 6
Batman Dark Knight (Josh’s) 36,937,350 77,103,760 8,013,780 3
Batman Dark Knight (Kim's) 27,927,180 90,457,490 4,108,610 10
Batman Dark Night (Eddie's) 14,782,110 14,782,110 14,782,110 1
Batman: The Dark Knight (Luch's) 17,099,270 45,344,080 2,516,610 3
Beatles (Luch's) 1,478,220 2,100,610 1,116,570 5
Beatles (Nick's) 2,708,200 5,333,060 589,920 4
Big Bang Bar (Jim's) 173,381,530 504,273,380 8,858,140 6
Big Bang Bar (Nick's) 92,464,500 214,695,210 31,434,810 7
Big Game (Walt Morose) 183,190 183,190 183,190 1
Big Lebowski (Nick's) 2,466,090 3,184,120 1,748,060 2
Black Knight (Luch's) 413,140 416,270 410,000 2
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Maple) 57,833,910 93,854,200 11,785,560 5
Black Pyramid (Bluffs) 889,690 889,690 889,690 1
Bounty Hunter (The Pint) 322,720 322,720 322,720 1
Bow + Arrow (Maple) 70,640 70,640 70,640 1
Bride of Pinbot (Bluffs) 1,137,210 1,137,210 1,137,210 1
Cactus Canyon (Jim's) 12,735,830 27,366,780 2,175,000 9
Cactus Canyon (Nick's) 8,562,890 8,562,890 8,562,890 1
Cactus Canyon (SE) - Chicago (Player One) 15,068,830 20,850,340 9,287,310 2
Captain Fantastic (Kim's) 58,190 93,700 16,530 6
Centaur 2 (Bluffs) 572,670 572,670 572,670 1
Centaur II (Adam's) 143,130 143,130 143,130 1
Centigrade 37 (Luch's) 71,060 71,060 71,060 1
Centragrade 37 (Maple) 67,830 84,920 50,740 2
Charlies Angels (Kim's) 267,960 275,210 260,700 2
Check Point (Eddie's) 1,923,210 1,923,210 1,923,210 1
Cirqus Voltaire (Bardon's) 8,815,790 15,749,540 2,300,730 3
Cirqus Voltaire (Glen) 5,813,480 5,813,480 5,813,480 1
Cirqus Voltaire (Jim's) 13,530,110 28,753,020 4,395,000 3
Cirqus Voltaire (Nick's) 5,492,640 5,492,640 5,492,640 1
Congo (Adam's) 285,771,950 498,954,970 164,113,890 3
Congo (Bluffs) 416,464,500 770,979,860 108,945,500 3
Corvette (Andy) 262,477,940 262,477,940 262,477,940 1
Corvette (Eddie's) 385,350,220 385,350,220 385,350,220 1
Corvette (Jim's) 197,539,880 577,676,040 47,508,150 5
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Jim's) 20,805,750 21,917,530 19,693,970 2
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Nick's) 44,643,700 81,921,580 21,661,480 4
CSI (Kim's) 10,582,130 17,165,370 4,559,220 4
Cue Ball Wizard (Adam's) 16,377,450 16,377,450 16,377,450 1
Data East WWF (Eddie's) 72,295,310 72,295,310 72,295,310 1
Deadpool (Nick's) 88,519,550 169,000,000 11,829,180 6
Deadpool (Player One) 234,070,630 234,070,630 234,070,630 1
Deadpool Pro (Maple) 58,847,800 78,430,350 39,265,250 2
Demolition Man (Bluffs) 424,471,810 791,836,840 152,810,210 3
Demolition Man (Jim's) 332,047,200 592,809,340 56,073,730 4
Dialed In (Adam's) 165,220 165,220 165,220 1
Dialed In (Bardon's) 662,570 gold medal 4,970,880 32,990 11
Dialed In (Eddie's) 505,160 505,160 505,160 1
Dialed In (Luch's) 362,190 554,350 92,930 5
Dialed In LE (Nick's) 341,840 367,330 307,360 4
Dirty Harry (Adam's) 110,602,020 111,366,770 109,837,270 2
Doctor Who (3030) 91,866,660 91,866,660 91,866,660 1
Doctor Who (Adam's) 10,410,550 10,410,550 10,410,550 1
Doctor Who (Eddie's) 63,338,690 117,939,200 8,738,180 2
Dolly Parton (Nick's) 44,300 44,740 43,860 2
Dolly Parton (Walt Morose) 38,980 38,980 38,980 1
Dr Dude (Eddie's) 1,515,210 1,515,210 1,515,210 1
Dr No 007 (Maple) 135,889,960 gold medal 135,889,960 135,889,960 1
Dracula (Stern) (Adam's) 119,770 119,770 119,770 1
Dragon (Gottlieb) (Luch's) 68,120 68,120 68,120 1
Dragon (The Pint) 94,560 94,560 94,560 1
Earthshaker (Andrew) 1,188,480 1,501,590 875,360 2
Eight Ball (Bluffs) 26,870 26,870 26,870 1
Eight Ball (Maple) 32,580 32,580 32,580 1
Eight Ball Deluxe (Luch's) 144,000 144,000 144,000 1
Eight Ball Deluxe LE (Maple) 279,810 287,080 272,530 2
El Dorado: City of Gold (Adam's) 136,970 136,970 136,970 1
Elton John (Player One) 13,393,950 13,393,950 13,393,950 1
Elvira and the Party Monsters (Kim's) 971,090 1,195,810 813,570 4
Elvira and the Party Monsters (Maple) 2,460,000 2,460,000 2,460,000 1
Elvira HOH (Myles) 4,402,980 4,402,980 4,402,980 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Maple) 63,042,510 140,246,890 12,087,600 3
Elvira's House of Horrors LE (Nick's) 152,833,200 gold medal 374,010,870 4,023,890 5
Elvis (Andy) 181,371,430 181,371,430 181,371,430 1
Elvis (Eddie's) 24,664,630 46,458,430 2,870,830 2
Elvis (Jim's) 12,532,140 13,869,980 11,194,300 2
Elvis (Kim's) 64,200,590 209,529,590 4,280,500 13
Evel Knievel (Kim's) 185,230 253,720 127,230 4
Family Guy (Andy) 4,843,860 4,843,860 4,843,860 1
Family Guy (Jim's) 14,438,560 14,438,560 14,438,560 1
Family Guy (Luch's) 9,438,060 19,766,850 1,560,010 5
Family Guy (Tilt) 7,364,640 7,364,640 7,364,640 1
Farfalla (Nick's) 109,300 109,300 109,300 1
Fireball Classic (Adam's) 1,326,890 gold medal 1,326,890 1,326,890 1
Firepower (Bluffs) 209,970 209,970 209,970 1
Firepower (Kim's) 279,000 446,600 111,390 2
Firepower 2 (Bluffs) 1,051,060 2,572,200 156,560 3
Fish Tales (Don’s) 7,931,210 7,931,210 7,931,210 1
Fish Tales (Jim's) 175,969,710 244,096,700 50,225,900 3
Flash Gordon (Adam's) 198,490 338,090 58,880 2
Flash Gordon (Walt Morose) 138,450 177,350 109,770 3
Flintstones (Kim's) 244,843,110 620,896,680 50,043,230 7
Flintstones (Luch's) 184,681,470 185,155,410 184,207,520 2
Flintstones (The Pint) 431,226,510 gold medal 431,226,510 431,226,510 1
Flip Flop (Bluffs) 90,640 109,680 69,750 3
Foo Fighters (Bardon's) 136,201,260 271,163,360 41,507,020 8
Foo Fighters (Player One) 98,144,090 99,519,190 96,768,980 2
Foo Fighters LE (Maple) 93,570,670 gold medal 269,656,180 2,514,880 5
Foo Fighters LE (Nick's) 18,727,890 34,504,170 2,951,600 2
Frontier (Adam's) 336,680 412,750 260,610 2
Fun House (Adam's) 2,337,040 2,337,040 2,337,040 1
Funhouse (Andrew) 4,103,480 8,470,000 1,278,860 9
Funhouse (Eddie's) 3,378,870 4,185,730 2,572,000 2
Funhouse (Glen) 4,235,870 4,990,960 3,480,780 2
Funhouse (Luch's) 3,906,940 4,822,860 2,991,020 2
Funhouse (Maple) 3,934,460 3,934,460 3,934,460 1
Future Spa (Bluffs) 197,840 338,240 57,440 2
Galaxy (Luch's) 167,220 342,680 93,170 6
Game of Thrones (Walt Morose) 178,995,140 178,995,140 178,995,140 1
Game of Thrones LE (Luch's) 243,005,110 766,697,920 4,521,240 15
Game of Thrones LE (The Pint) 217,977,440 219,206,870 216,748,010 2
Gardians of the Galaxy (Walt Morose) 69,694,210 69,694,210 69,694,210 1
Genesis (Adam's) 734,660 1,286,250 183,060 2
Genesis (Eddie's) 1,974,540 gold medal 1,974,540 1,974,540 1
Genesis (Tilt) 998,200 998,200 998,200 1
Getaway High Speed II (Andrew) 50,268,310 64,595,880 39,907,370 3
Getaway HS2 (Jim's) 25,314,190 30,547,000 20,081,380 2
Ghostbusters (Bardon's) 227,853,400 1,310,879,030 26,782,900 10
Ghostbusters (Nick's) 76,980,210 76,980,210 76,980,210 1
Ghostbusters (Tilt) 30,162,930 30,162,930 30,162,930 1
Gilligans Island (Maple) 6,122,340 gold medal 6,122,340 6,122,340 1
GNR LE (Luch's) 2,697,900 2,697,904 2,697,904 1
Godfather (Nick's) 16,096,610 30,687,881 1,505,340 2
Godfather (Player One) 15,997,290 15,997,290 15,997,290 1
Godzilla (Adam's) 30,317,360 50,082,480 6,004,940 5
Godzilla (Andy) 47,654,360 47,654,360 47,654,360 1
Godzilla (Pro) - Stern (Player One) 157,767,740 157,767,740 157,767,740 1
Godzilla LE (Nick's) 181,666,090 gold medal 477,487,980 67,391,130 5
Godzilla Prem (Myles) 66,605,900 66,605,900 66,605,900 1
Godzilla Prem (Walt Morose) 52,376,040 82,594,570 22,157,499 2
Godzilla Premium (Maple) 210,976,370 490,143,280 22,940,790 5
Godzilla pro (Bardon's) 181,973,590 427,539,810 13,613,500 7
Gold Wings (Tilt) 1,587,780 1,587,780 1,587,780 1
Golden Arrow (Bluffs) 55,270 55,270 55,270 1
Goldeneye (Andy) 194,043,380 344,065,710 44,021,040 2
Goldeneye (Eddie's) 121,220,190 121,220,190 121,220,190 1
Gorgar (Luch's) 629,000 gold medal 2,345,210 37,930 5
Grand Prix (Bluffs) 379,500 488,040 270,960 2
Guardians of the Galaxy (Eddie's) 14,904,180 14,904,180 14,904,180 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (Maple) 101,207,870 101,207,870 101,207,870 1
Guns n Roses (Jim's) 828,810,950 gold medal 1,628,931,070 190,776,910 4
Guns n Roses (Kim's) 649,626,830 2,148,545,920 186,783,920 17
Guns N Roses (Nick's) 1,192,120 2,262,480 121,755 2
Harlem Globetrotters (Adam's) 51,550 51,550 51,550 1
Harlem Globetrotters (Bluffs) 164,480 164,480 164,480 1
Harlem Globetrotters (Josh’s) 124,150 124,150 124,150 1
Harlem Globetrotters (Maple) 321,000 321,000 321,000 1
Harley Davidson (Bally) (Kim's) 126,180,920 126,180,920 126,180,920 1
Harley Davidson (Stern) (Kim's) 72,774,410 99,481,350 46,067,470 2
Haunted House (Luch's) 128,550 128,550 128,550 1
High Roller Casino (Bluffs) 73,958,000 73,958,000 73,958,000 1
High Roller Casino (Josh’s) 164,992,550 304,875,000 72,113,890 3
High Roller Casino (Luch's) 120,562,370 123,363,770 117,760,970 2
High Speed 2: The Getaway (Adam's) 22,028,560 22,028,560 22,028,560 1
Hobbit (Andrew) 258,350 444,652 72,038 2
Hobbit (Bardon's) 365,150 936,463 41,500 9
Hobbit (Kim's) 365,690 565,337 20,610 3
Hobbit (Nick's) 254,050 633,210 53,308 5
Hobbit LE (Jim's) 373,360 453,600 293,112 2
Hobbit LE (Luch's) 389,780 694,565 85,000 2
Hot Doggin (Maple) 91,800 103,460 70,230 3
Hot Wheels - American (Player One) 117,390,540 273,029,910 20,141,700 3
HS2 (Andy) 25,087,390 39,686,540 12,028,780 3
HS2-The Getaway (3030) 53,816,840 53,816,840 53,816,840 1
HS2-The Getaway (Eddie's) 10,330,640 10,330,640 10,330,640 1
Hurricaine (Nick's) 2,370,050 2,370,050 2,370,050 1
Hurricane (Luch's) 31,021,440 gold medal 31,021,440 31,021,440 1
Independence Day (Kim's) 839,675,970 839,675,970 839,675,970 1
Indiana Jones (Jim's) 131,424,280 284,510,170 11,958,210 5
Indiana Jones (Stern) (Kim's) 46,374,110 63,560,290 23,432,120 3
Indiana Jones (Stern) (Luch's) 26,995,890 48,291,780 5,700,000 2
Indiana Jones - WMS (Glen) 143,749,810 235,657,420 51,842,200 2
Indy 500 (Luch's) 79,613,980 79,613,980 79,613,980 1
Iron Maiden (Adam's) 47,504,720 86,644,150 17,653,190 3
Iron Maiden (Bardon's) 123,255,100 278,632,050 7,721,600 5
Iron Maiden (Eddie's) 16,210,510 16,210,510 16,210,510 1
Iron Maiden (Maple) 133,999,190 191,517,930 76,480,440 2
Iron Maiden (Walt Morose) 22,722,040 27,697,340 17,746,740 2
Iron Maiden LE (Nick's) 123,142,370 291,922,330 6,708,740 7
Iron Man (Adam's) 4,806,820 5,363,580 4,210,830 4
Iron Man (Andrew) 18,469,490 gold medal 33,150,190 3,788,780 2
Iron Man (Josh’s) 12,001,820 21,876,130 2,127,510 2
Iron Man (Luch's) 29,448,960 29,448,960 29,448,960 1
Iron Man (Nick's) 10,467,790 10,467,790 10,467,790 1
Jack*bot (Adam's) 673,932,310 830,470,420 517,394,190 2
Jack*Bot (Jim's) 360,083,200 360,083,200 360,083,200 1
James Bond (Maple) 120,520,920 358,323,200 22,007,920 4
James Bond LE (Nick's) 150,152,610 gold medal 641,006,512 12,265,590 6
James Bond prem (Player One) 115,170,170 115,170,170 115,170,170 1
Jaws (Maple) 42,832,900 51,889,550 33,776,240 2
Jaws (Player One) 424,383,870 gold medal 424,383,870 424,383,870 1
Jaws Prem (Myles) 98,736,940 98,736,940 98,736,940 1
John Wick LE (Nick's) 16,488,410 16,488,410 16,488,410 1
John Wick P (Player One) 9,755,410 9,755,410 9,755,410 1
Johnny Mnemonic (Bardon's) 584,854,030 830,295,420 377,188,840 6
Johnny Mnemonic (Bluffs) 372,841,780 372,841,780 372,841,780 1
Johnny Mnemonic (Jim's) 1,435,538,270 2,739,579,440 472,406,820 6
Joker Poker (EM) (Luch's) 51,020 55,100 46,940 2
Joker Poker (Luch's) 61,190 101,890 41,300 4
Joker Poker EM (Bluffs) 79,250 148,880 29,920 4
Joker Poker SS (Bluffs) 51,200 51,200 51,200 1
Judge Dredd (Eddie's) 49,733,350 49,733,350 49,733,350 1
Judge Dredd (Luch's) 114,534,670 193,189,780 25,198,670 3
Jungle Queen (Eddie's) 55,400 55,400 55,400 1
Jungle Queen (Josh’s) 93,640 93,640 93,640 1
Jungle Queen (Kim's) 75,820 98,530 43,080 7
Junk Yard (Jim's) 10,711,720 10,711,720 10,711,720 1
Jurassic Park (Andy) 106,138,000 106,138,000 106,138,000 1
Jurassic Park (DE) (Maple) 133,864,700 160,453,860 107,275,530 2
Jurassic Park (Luch's) 121,413,040 203,965,150 38,860,920 2
Jurassic Park (Myles) 23,673,000 23,673,000 23,673,000 1
Jurassic Park (Pro) - Stern (Player One) 22,557,000 22,557,000 22,557,000 1
Jurassic Park (Stern) (Bardon's) 142,961,650 325,081,050 51,357,500 6
Jurassic Park (stern) (Maple) 13,420,680 13,420,680 13,420,680 1
Jurassic Park (Stern) (Nick's) 171,800,350 gold medal 583,987,040 34,809,950 6
Jurassic Park (Tilt) 25,944,000 25,944,000 25,944,000 1
Jurrasic Park: Lost World (Adam's) 972,120 1,069,220 875,020 2
KISS (Bally) (Kim's) 169,530 228,550 110,500 2
Kiss (Stern) (Don’s) 30,697,860 30,697,860 30,697,860 1
KISS (Stern) (Tilt) 21,128,440 21,128,440 21,128,440 1
KISS LE (Stern) (Jim's) 11,972,830 29,030,740 4,433,240 9
Kiss Stern (Maple) 407,660 407,660 407,660 1
Laser Cue (The Pint) 159,310 159,311 159,311 1
Lightning (Eddie's) 81,230 81,230 81,230 1
Lord of the Rings (Adam's) 5,361,730 7,383,640 2,624,010 3
Lord of the Rings (Andy) 22,147,940 22,147,940 22,147,940 1
Lord of the Rings (Bardon's) 16,337,690 29,887,150 4,317,200 4
Lord of the Rings (Don’s) 3,406,740 3,406,740 3,406,740 1
Lord of the Rings (Jim's) 2,698,310 3,840,800 1,555,820 2
Lord of the Rings (Nick's) 4,573,670 5,514,500 3,632,830 2
Lost in Space (Kim's) 12,091,100 12,091,100 12,091,100 1
Magic (Adam's) 283,520 283,520 283,520 1
Mandalorian (Kim's) 66,590,850 106,133,670 8,500,600 3
Mandalorian (Player One) 55,600,700 55,600,700 55,600,700 1
Mandalorian LE (Nick's) 52,769,800 52,769,800 52,769,800 1
Mars Trek (Adam's) 359,700 359,700 359,700 1
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (Andy) 118,902,050 118,902,050 118,902,050 1
Mata Hari (Luch's) 95,850 95,850 95,850 1
Medevil Madness (Maple) 11,157,380 20,243,100 2,071,660 2
Medieval Madness (Glen) 16,567,120 20,528,240 12,605,990 2
Medieval Madness (Jim's) 17,819,560 26,928,190 13,129,010 3
Medieval Madness (Nick's) 12,807,990 25,070,340 545,640 2
Medieval Madness Remake (Tilt) 3,175,000 3,175,000 3,175,000 1
Metallica (Adam's) 8,221,580 14,688,920 2,344,220 5
Metallica (Andrew) 25,063,660 42,555,600 10,322,790 5
Metallica (Frolic’s) 37,992,770 45,937,560 29,430,130 3
Metallica (Josh’s) 16,335,640 27,825,030 2,140,350 3
Metallica Pro (Jim's) 13,613,290 23,686,980 3,539,608 2
Meteor (Nick's) 73,520 73,520 73,520 1
Meteor (The Pint) 173,290 173,290 173,290 1
MMR (Luch's) 18,656,930 27,015,520 10,601,420 3
Monaco (Adam's) 507,970 556,960 458,980 2
Monopoly (Kim's) 3,968,000 3,968,000 3,968,000 1
Monopoly (Luch's) 14,910,190 gold medal 18,694,020 11,126,360 2
Monopoly (Maple) 6,383,070 6,383,070 6,383,070 1
Monster Bash (Andrew) 26,239,160 40,035,000 17,144,830 5
Monster Bash (Andy) 31,860,660 31,860,660 31,860,660 1
Monster Bash (Jim's) 26,839,780 38,061,440 15,618,110 2
Monster Bash (Nick's) 12,424,710 31,587,040 2,581,730 3
Monte Carlo (Luch's) 2,613,940 2,613,940 2,613,940 1
Mousin Around (Adam's) 1,148,120 1,148,120 1,148,120 1
Mousin’ Around (Maple) 6,404,470 gold medal 6,404,470 6,404,470 1
Mustang (Frolic’s) 44,974,260 44,974,260 44,974,260 1
Mustang LE (Luch's) 44,388,730 135,179,410 9,950,020 12
Mystic (Maple) 84,060 84,060 84,060 1
NASCAR (Luch's) 12,097,690 27,554,810 2,961,050 10
NBA (Luch's) 11,343,430 11,343,430 11,343,430 1
NBA Fastbreak (Jim's) 45 66 32 4
Nitro Ground Shaker (Nick's) 73,440 180,930 16,390 3
No Fear (Bluffs) 421,200,940 458,934,110 383,467,760 2
No Fear (Glen) 950,176,010 1,620,436,070 279,915,950 2
No Fear (Jim's) 188,912,730 188,912,730 188,912,730 1
No Fear (Kim's) 1,238,203,750 1,238,203,750 1,238,203,750 1
No Good Gofers (Bardon's) 8,369,770 28,851,430 2,475,160 8
No Good Gofers (Jim's) 7,897,310 9,050,580 6,744,030 2
Oktoberfest (Nick's) 72,590 72,586 72,586 1
Paragon (Eddie's) 97,440 145,750 49,120 2
Paragon (Jim's) 90,370 130,760 35,010 4
Paragon (Maple) 78,170 78,170 78,170 1
Party Zone (Jim's) 15,564,550 15,564,550 15,564,550 1
Party Zone (Kim's) 12,205,090 20,163,420 4,246,760 2
Pinbot (Bluffs) 329,370 553,270 149,620 4
Pioneer (Luch's) 20,590 20,590 20,590 1
Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP) (Jim's) 250,060 402,346 97,764 2
Pirates of the Caribbean (Nick's) 1,347,360 5,314,230 17,090 4
Pirates of the Caribbean(JJP) (Nick's) 108,250 341,464 25,396 4
Pirates of the Caribean (Eddie's) 5,384,030 7,285,630 3,482,420 2
Pirates of the Carribean (Luch's) 15,344,520 42,651,770 1,547,270 16
Playboy (Bally) (Luch's) 26,510 34,040 17,310 3
Playboy (Bally) (Maple) 56,940 56,940 56,940 1
Playboy (Stern) (Nick's) 11,852,310 11,852,310 11,852,310 1
Pool Sharks (Maple) 4,588,100 4,588,100 4,588,100 1
Pro Pool (3030) 26,880 26,880 26,880 1
Quicksilver (Adam's) 151,480 151,480 151,480 1
Radical (Adam's) 3,899,120 3,899,120 3,899,120 1
Revenge From Mars (Glen) 23,027,010 23,027,010 23,027,010 1
Revenge From Mars (Kim's) 38,604,580 38,604,580 38,604,580 1
Revenge from Mars (Nick's) 14,711,950 26,859,600 8,349,020 3
Ripley's Believe it or Not (Jim's) 9,537,700 15,912,040 3,163,350 2
Ripleys Believe It or Not (Luch's) 6,775,430 6,775,430 6,775,430 1
Road Show (Jim's) 115,707,410 197,562,670 38,696,750 4
Rob Zombie (Nick's) 727,640 727,640 727,640 1
Rocky and Bullwinkle (Andy) 57,499,840 114,082,750 28,473,210 5
Roller Coaster Tycoon (Eddie's) 3,168,450 3,168,450 3,168,450 1
Roller Coaster Tycoon (Jim's) 2,767,570 2,767,570 2,767,570 1
Roller Disco (Nick's) 118,020 194,670 57,450 5
Rollergames (Bluffs) 578,120 578,120 578,120 1
Rolling Stones (Bally) (Kim's) 56,970 56,970 56,970 1
Rush (Walt Morose) 112,006,580 112,006,580 112,006,580 1
Rush LE (Maple) 68,150,100 134,893,250 23,433,590 3
Rush LE (Nick's) 150,091,620 363,985,040 27,036,560 4
Safecracker (Jim's) 186,120 186,120 186,120 1
Safecracker (Kim's) 462,120 651,590 124,980 3
Safecracker (Nick's) 284,080 403,590 164,560 2
Scared Stiff (Jim's) 8,164,120 11,402,200 4,926,030 2
Scared Stiff (Nick's) 9,302,380 9,302,380 9,302,380 1
Scorpion (Bluffs) 218,500 318,270 58,930 3
Shadow (CF) 289,490,990 289,490,990 289,490,990 1
Shrek (Eddie's) 5,979,620 5,979,620 5,979,620 1
Shrek (Kim's) 18,837,400 18,837,400 18,837,400 1
Silver Slugger (Kim's) 2,047,820 2,047,820 2,047,820 1
Simpsons Pinball Party (Bardon's) 20,595,550 47,042,810 3,114,010 13
Simpsons Pinball Party (Jim's) 17,746,070 17,778,640 17,713,500 2
Simpsons Pinball Party (Kim's) 14,374,030 17,923,560 8,194,430 3
Simpsons Pinball Party (Nick's) 12,080,130 23,004,930 1,155,320 2
Sinbad (Luch's) 89,670 146,760 40,080 5
Sinbad (Maple) 74,010 74,010 74,010 1
Six Million Dollar Man (Kim's) 20,270 20,270 20,270 1
Sky Jump (Kim's) 23,690 40,440 14,180 6
Sopranos (Eddie's) 12,005,180 13,422,540 10,587,820 2
Sopranos (Kim's) 35,855,350 101,143,650 6,080,020 18
Sorcerer (Eddie's) 493,110 493,110 493,110 1
South Park (Kim's) 52,308,200 61,277,630 43,338,770 2
Space Invaders (Adam's) 614,000 614,000 614,000 1
Space Shuttle (Bluffs) 1,807,870 1,807,870 1,807,870 1
Spider-Man (Andy) 16,437,930 29,160,120 3,715,740 2
Spider-man (Bardon's) 49,794,840 173,875,940 10,337,220 13
Spider-man (Stern) (Maple) 44,068,170 63,455,220 24,681,120 2
Spiderman (Frolic’s) 61,909,520 61,909,520 61,909,520 1
Spin Out (Luch's) 26,060 48,210 880 5
Star Race (Nick's) 451,510 gold medal 451,510 451,510 1
Star trek (Bally) (Maple) 56,090 56,090 56,090 1
Star Trek (Eddie's) 68,210,350 81,031,770 55,388,930 2
Star Trek (Frolic’s) 10,702,250 17,535,950 3,868,540 2
Star Trek (Josh’s) 14,266,380 14,266,380 14,266,380 1
Star Trek 25th (Bluffs) 5,925,780 5,925,780 5,925,780 1
Star Trek 25th (Eddie's) 18,257,550 18,257,550 18,257,550 1
Star Trek LE (Myles) 77,170,190 77,170,190 77,170,190 1
Star Trek LE (Nick's) 34,402,810 gold medal 177,697,050 4,577,790 19
Star Trek Pro (Bluffs) 20,661,120 38,532,430 2,789,800 2
Star Trek Pro (Kim's) 37,183,570 52,931,390 20,723,100 4
Star Trek TNG (Bluffs) 177,638,980 281,849,960 118,846,950 3
Star Trek TNG (CF) 441,664,760 441,664,760 441,664,760 1
Star Trek TNG (Luch's) 360,530,450 715,269,420 176,252,260 7
Star Wars (DE) (3030) 26,424,630 26,424,630 26,424,630 1
Star Wars (DE) (The Pint) 50,627,920 50,627,920 50,627,920 1
Star Wars (Pro) - Stern (Player One) 205,592,720 205,592,720 205,592,720 1
Star Wars Ep 1 (Kim's) 24,893,720 24,893,720 24,893,720 1
Star Wars LE (Luch's) 61,517,070 61,517,070 61,517,070 1
Star Wars LE (Nick's) 249,314,480 378,073,800 163,972,180 3
Star Wars Pro (Bluffs) 157,061,650 247,023,890 78,165,450 3
StarGazer (Adam's) 268,260 426,470 110,040 2
Stars (Bluffs) 85,820 85,820 85,820 1
Stars (Walt Morose) 37,730 56,960 19,240 3
Stranger Things (Maple) 145,494,040 184,343,260 103,081,830 3
Stranger Things (Walt Morose) 26,238,380 40,176,350 12,300,400 2
Strikes & Spares (Adam's) 143,110 143,110 143,110 1
Strikes & Spares (Bluffs) 74,520 129,310 19,720 2
Strikes & Spares (Luch's) 206,190 206,190 206,190 1
Strikes and Spares (Josh’s) 70,990 70,990 70,990 1
Strikes and Spares (The Pint) 128,790 128,790 128,790 1
Supersonic (Luch's) 241,290 458,120 24,460 2
Supersonic (Maple) 16,600 16,600 16,600 1
Surf Champ (Josh’s) 27,080 34,260 19,900 2
Surfer (Luch's) 22,910 22,910 22,910 1
Tales from the Crypt (Andy) 48,205,280 48,205,280 48,205,280 1
Tales of the Arabian Night (Nick's) 5,919,470 12,145,970 1,830,340 7
Tales of the Arabian Nights (Jim's) 30,298,860 108,900,000 1,004,220 4
Target Alpha (Kim's) 59,930 73,091 46,700 3
Taxi (Tilt) 1,158,990 1,158,990 1,158,990 1
Terminator 2 (Bluffs) 2,908,330 2,908,330 2,908,330 1
Terminator 2 (Jim's) 6,755,080 7,455,250 6,054,910 2
Terminator 3 (Bluffs) 14,442,650 22,914,020 8,867,880 5
Terminator 3 (Jim's) 45,164,510 66,275,720 29,822,900 4
Terminator 3 (Kim's) 46,194,260 151,869,240 13,249,000 9
Terminator 3 (The Pint) 12,911,100 12,911,100 12,911,100 1
The Addams Family (Bluffs) 29,131,970 65,255,390 10,242,160 3
The Addams Family (Luch's) 52,010,930 106,791,690 9,112,440 5
The Addams Family (Tilt) 61,004,910 61,004,910 61,004,910 1
The Avengers (Maple) 67,553,260 123,058,710 12,047,810 2
The Avengers (Nick's) 1,028,260 1,028,260 1,028,260 1
The Getaway (Luch's) 17,805,520 25,173,480 10,437,550 2
The Getaway HS2 (Kim's) 75,806,990 143,896,260 21,354,570 4
The Hobbit (Kim's) 203,950 203,947 203,947 1
The Mandalorian (Pro) - Stern (Player One) 88,364,210 88,364,210 88,364,210 1
The Shadow (Adam's) 103,928,960 168,991,210 70,892,530 4
The Simpsons Pinball Party (Adam's) 19,707,020 gold medal 19,707,020 19,707,020 1
The Simpsons Pinball Party (Luch's) 40,790,760 40,790,760 40,790,760 1
The Walking Dead (Frolic’s) 8,479,050 11,282,820 5,675,280 2
The Walking Dead (Maple) 13,420,000 13,420,000 13,420,000 1
Theatre of Magic (Bluffs) 302,868,280 302,868,280 302,868,280 1
Theatre of Magic (Jim's) 301,607,940 770,611,330 115,940,000 6
Theatre of Magic (Maple) 472,799,270 573,216,260 372,382,280 2
Theatre of Magic (Nick's) 383,212,200 539,225,970 61,250,170 4
Time Fantasy (Adam's) 320,230 320,230 320,230 1
Tommy (Eddie's) 70,610,240 122,688,880 18,531,600 2
Torch (Kim's) 104,790 104,790 104,790 1
TOTAN (Eddie's) 9,778,730 9,778,730 9,778,730 1
Totem (Luch's) 133,750 133,750 133,750 1
Toy Story (Player One) 762,460 827,220 697,690 2
Transformers (CF) 15,669,590 15,669,590 15,669,590 1
Transformers (Luch's) 3,290,590 3,290,590 3,290,590 1
Travel Time (Josh’s) 16,370 16,370 16,370 1
TRON (Adam's) 8,124,160 13,996,870 3,802,000 3
Tron (Frolic’s) 6,218,690 6,218,690 6,218,690 1
Tron (Josh’s) 23,211,880 23,211,880 23,211,880 1
Tron (Luch's) 13,616,530 13,616,530 13,616,530 1
Tron (Tilt) 22,213,580 29,276,810 15,150,340 2
Tron (Walt Morose) 17,682,430 17,682,430 17,682,430 1
Tron LE (Nick's) 7,879,040 16,911,010 3,442,810 7
Twilight Zone (Adam's) 96,637,320 164,002,890 29,271,750 2
Twilight Zone (Bardon's) 124,881,860 403,825,990 14,000,000 19
Twilight Zone (Luch's) 157,939,190 209,841,530 106,036,850 2
Twilight Zone (Nick's) 268,136,660 444,357,930 67,000,000 4
TX Sector (Adam's) 1,030,210 1,640,200 639,600 6
Venom (Player One) 217,060,560 217,060,560 217,060,560 1
Venon Premium (Player One) 33,590,600 33,590,600 33,590,600 1
Viking (Adam's) 116,530 116,530 116,530 1
Viking (Maple) 244,120 gold medal 244,120 244,120 1
Volley (Bluffs) 61,780 89,190 42,450 3
Volley (Luch's) 96,000 134,230 57,770 2
Volley (Maple) 62,820 gold medal 126,010 18,580 5
Vulcan (Luch's) 101,040 101,040 101,040 1
Walking Dead (Adam's) 20,094,450 56,953,910 5,233,480 7
Walking Dead (Walt Morose) 17,738,860 17,738,860 17,738,860 1
Werid Al P3 (Nick's) 11,770,700 gold medal 11,770,700 11,770,700 1
Wheel of Fortune (Jim's) 9,202,990 21,899,680 2,348,750 3
Wheel of Fortune (Kim's) 2,621,340 3,099,970 2,142,710 2
Wheel of Fortune (Luch's) 9,894,950 15,187,980 4,582,090 3
Whirlwind (Andrew) 6,507,750 6,507,750 6,507,750 1
Whirlwind (Luch's) 3,682,660 7,092,810 1,227,380 4
whirlwind (Maple) 40,991,680 77,971,350 4,012,010 2
White Water (Adam's) 5,940,560 5,940,560 5,940,560 1
White Water (Andy) 93,518,240 218,389,150 20,075,000 3
White Water (Bardon's) 162,334,820 546,286,380 20,815,990 8
White Water (CF) 33,900,420 33,900,420 33,900,420 1
White Water (Jim's) 14,470,880 14,470,880 14,470,880 1
White Water (Maple) 166,279,150 249,554,770 87,174,050 3
Whoa Nellie (Luch's) 2,080 3,024 1,434 5
Whoa Nellie (Nick's) 1,390 1,393 1,393 1
WhoDunnit (Eddie's) 1,160,868,680 1,160,868,680 1,160,868,680 1
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Nick's) 278,740 278,740 278,740 1
Wipeout (Andy) 71,483,350 71,483,350 71,483,350 1
Wizard of Oz (Andrew) 30,690 48,718 13,620 5
Wizard of Oz (Nick's) 34,900 90,636 10,318 8
Wizard of Oz ECLE (Kim's) 82,980 244,002 11,533 9
World Cup Soccer (Andy) 139,505,600 139,505,600 139,505,600 1
World Cup Soccer (Bluffs) 338,207,220 568,653,590 145,663,960 4
World Cup Soccer (Jim's) 563,265,520 692,123,490 311,520,970 3
World Cup Soccer 94 (Eddie's) 254,323,880 349,647,760 159,000,000 2
World Poker Tour (Jim's) 30,787,680 47,857,900 12,725,500 6
WWF Royal Rumble (Maple) 1,023,458,890 gold medal 1,023,458,890 1,023,458,890 1
X-Men (Bardon's) 11,154,470 26,602,930 3,099,880 6
xmen (Bardon's) 16,626,900 16,626,900 16,626,900 1
Xmen (Frolic’s) 5,139,160 5,139,160 5,139,160 1
Xmen (Luch's) 40,917,700 gold medal 73,590,840 8,244,550 2
Xmen (Nick's) 11,939,230 11,939,230 11,939,230 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaden Aiken6275.00%
Adam Becker103820.83%
Adam Hollander161650.00%
Adam Josef3175.00%
Aidan Kennedy3175.00%
Alex Canning4180.00%
Amy Ray3175.00%
Andrew Aiken142535.90%
Andrew Bernard141450.00%
Andrew Lounsbury402462.50%
Andrew MacKenzie4450.00%
Andrew Palangio10662.50%
Andy McNab282453.85%
Angela Fischer8280.00%
Anne Nicholls3175.00%
Anthony Caradonna23971.88%
Ash Gavin3537.50%
Ashton Aiken1325.00%
Barry Brdar182245.00%
Ben Ulker4357.14%
Bob Zagorac5362.50%
Brent Cameron7943.75%
Brian Brown3175.00%
Brian Sauve662175.86%
Brian Trenholm172738.64%
Calven Eggert7187.50%
Carter Medeiros3175.00%
Catherine Barker7187.50%
Charles Blaquiere295932.95%
Che Curnew1325.00%
Chris Draper213041.18%
Chris Engler40100.00%
Chris Frolic443257.89%
Cletus Gavin6275.00%
Colin Parker13959.09%
Dan Costa6650.00%
Dave Glen715456.80%
David Cowling252154.35%
David Newman575949.14%
Dennis Ambrose3175.00%
Don Arpa40100.00%
Donna Wai372460.66%
Doug Baird15962.50%
Eddie D'Orazio101050.00%
Eddie Setareh131056.52%
Emma Jean Brown2340.00%
Evan Irvine121840.00%
FR - Frank3175.00%
Frank Barber5362.50%
Frank Szabo40100.00%
Gary Toste283147.46%
George Gebara20100.00%
George Leger3175.00%
George Pace10471.43%
Glen MacDonald1325.00%
Glen Rawley6275.00%
Grant Jobb3175.00%
Henrik Andersen11568.75%
Hillary Haworth2250.00%
Ian Glasner262155.32%
Ivar DeLaat3175.00%
Jack Tadman1712.50%
James Devouno4450.00%
James Stortz4180.00%
James Watson3175.00%
Jason Gillard361275.00%
Jay Mackie50100.00%
Jay Woolston040.00%
Jeff Avramenko40100.00%
Jeff Campsall3175.00%
Jeff Hershberg27975.00%
Jeff Minuk4450.00%
Jeff Teolis61528.57%
Jeff Zagorac3175.00%
Jennifer McGrady1325.00%
Jenny Arrais3175.00%
Jeremy Edward50100.00%
Jerry Power2250.00%
Jim Hood6185.71%
Jim Wilks563164.37%
Joe Bauman381276.00%
Joey Shynn131743.33%
John Clegg432563.24%
John El-Hajjeh40100.00%
John Flitton236127.38%
John Kyriakoulias16866.67%
John Oliver5362.50%
John Woolsey241364.86%
John Zaharatos474650.54%
Jon Grieman2250.00%
Josh Zilberberg425742.42%
Julian Capocci221461.11%
Karl Braun381571.70%
Kevin Maguire2250.00%
Kim Darowski1084172.48%
Kirk Hutton232944.23%
Laura Edward172144.74%
Les Kowal212743.75%
Les Nyznik2250.00%
Mandle Cheung2250.00%
Marc Hurwitz3175.00%
Mark Palangio7558.33%
Matthew Kasapian40100.00%
Max Anshilevich13381.25%
Michael Kasapian4450.00%
Mike Burns5741.67%
Mike Capocci293545.31%
Mike Clinton3175.00%
Mike Conrad17673.91%
Mike Cuzzupe161650.00%
Mike Faria242252.17%
Mike Luciani908451.72%
Myles Cameron777052.38%
Nick Fattore12475.00%
Nick Thalassinos2250.00%
Noel Hooper10376.92%
Pablo Nevato2250.00%
Paul Thompson50100.00%
Pete Nicholls5741.67%
Phil Barker9375.00%
Reagan Johnston2340.00%
Ricky Yik8466.67%
Rob Davis2250.00%
Rob Losch3260.00%
Robert Luciani12860.00%
Ryan Matheson251169.44%
Ryan Thomas2250.00%
Sage Handler4180.00%
Sam Flagiello4180.00%
Sandy Lum3260.00%
Sara Brown3260.00%
Sarah Zhara1325.00%
Scott Irvine7370.00%
Scott Mcdowell3175.00%
Sean Heist4450.00%
Sergio Baldis111444.00%
Shane Chaisson1325.00%
Shane Jackson81436.36%
Shaun Khorsandi3537.50%
Simon Brown19967.86%
Solstice Somers3175.00%
Stephane Raymond171553.13%
Steve Leung7943.75%
Steve Machado184628.13%
Terry Melnyk251464.10%
Tim Sanderson7943.75%
Tony Burns3175.00%
Walt Morose232350.00%

Badges Awarded (47)

Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 05/27/2024 (Toronto Pinball League Season 3 2024 meet 3)
Turbo Jackpot
Turbo Jackpot
Earned for scoring 3.142 total league points.

Earned 04/01/2024 (Toronto Pinball League Season 2 2024 meet 4)
Earned for completing 10 seasons.

Earned 02/19/2024 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2024 meet 7)
Ultra Jackpot
Ultra Jackpot
Earned for scoring 2.718 total league points.

Earned 10/23/2023 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2023 meet 6)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 05/08/2023 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2023 meet 2)
Mega Jackpot
Mega Jackpot
Earned for scoring 2.067 total league points.

Earned 01/12/2023 (Toronto Pinball League Spring 2023 meet 1)
Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Earned 09/26/2022 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2022 meet 6)
I Need a Vacation
I Need a Vacation
Earned for slam-tilting a game. Don't do that.

Earned 06/27/2022 (Toronto Pinball League Spring 2022 meet 9)
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind
Earned for winning your group in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/20/2022 (Toronto Pinball League Spring 2022 meet 8)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/13/2022 (Toronto Pinball League Spring 2022 meet 7)
Super Jackpot
Super Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,597 total league points.

Earned 05/30/2022 (Toronto Pinball League Spring 2022 meet 5)
Lucky Sevens
Lucky Sevens
Earned for having the most total sevens in your machine scores in a season.

Earned 12/09/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2019 meet 13)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 12/09/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2019 meet 13)
Octuple Jackpot
Octuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points.

Earned 09/30/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2019 meet 4)
Strong Finish
Strong Finish
Earned for getting a league high score on a machine in the final meet of a season.

Earned 08/12/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2019 meet 13)
Septuple Jackpot
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 07/14/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2019 meet 10)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 04/15/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Winter 2019 meet 13)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 04/15/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Winter 2019 meet 13)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 04/08/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Winter 2019 meet 12)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 01/30/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Winter 2019 meet 4)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 01/23/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Winter 2019 meet 3)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 11/12/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 9)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 07/23/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 13)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 07/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 12)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 06/11/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 7)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 05/21/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 4)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 05/14/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 3)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14)
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on 3 machines.

Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14)
Buck Fitty
Buck Fitty
Earned for scoring 150 points in a season.

Earned 03/12/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 9)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 03/12/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 9)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 03/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 8)
Buck and a Qtar
Buck and a Qtar
Earned for scoring 125 points in a season.

Earned 03/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 8)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 03/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 8)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 02/26/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 7)
Earned for scoring 16+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 02/12/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 6)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 02/12/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 6)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 02/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 02/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 5)
Power Points
Power Points
Earned for scoring 24 or more points three times in a season.

Earned 02/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 5)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 01/29/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 4)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 01/15/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 2)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 01/15/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 2)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 01/15/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 2)
Hit the Mark
Hit the Mark
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000,000.

Earned 01/09/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 1)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 01/09/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 1)