Toronto Pinball League
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Toronto Pinball League

Active from 01/29/2018 through 07/07/2019.

Played 4 seasons, 15 meets, 60 games.

Machine Summaries

Average Score
Highest Score
Lowest Score
AC/DC (Nick's) 18,071,720 25,929,300 10,214,140 2
Attack From Mars (Nick's) 2,174,949,370 2,174,949,370 2,174,949,370 1
Avengers (Nick's) 9,862,210 14,893,690 4,830,720 2
Batman 66 LE (Nick's) 18,222,160 18,222,160 18,222,160 1
Corvette (Andy) 112,631,230 112,631,230 112,631,230 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Nick's) 48,108,190 48,108,190 48,108,190 1
Devil's Dare (Tilt) 279,940 279,940 279,940 1
Family Guy (Tilt) 17,913,820 17,913,820 17,913,820 1
Fish Tales (Jim's) 11,201,790 11,410,030 10,993,540 2
Flash Gordon (Adam's) 250,570 250,570 250,570 1
Game of Thrones LE (Luch's) 77,571,890 77,571,890 77,571,890 1
Ghostbusters (Nick's) 50,024,040 50,024,040 50,024,040 1
Ghostbusters (Tilt) 144,092,240 144,092,240 144,092,240 1
High Speed (Andy) 375,230 375,230 375,230 1
Hobbit (Bardon's) 49,280 49,276 49,276 1
Houdini (Eddie's) 249,920 gold medal 249,920 249,920 1
Indiana Jones (Stern) (Kim's) 38,202,060 38,202,060 38,202,060 1
Jack*bot (Adam's) 446,174,080 446,174,080 446,174,080 1
Jack*Bot (Jim's) 646,214,620 646,214,620 646,214,620 1
Johnny Mnemonic (Jim's) 75,641,700 75,641,700 75,641,700 1
KISS LE (Stern) (Jim's) 24,138,800 38,220,550 10,057,040 2
Last Action Hero (Eddie's) 136,325,910 136,325,910 136,325,910 1
Lord of the Rings (Bardon's) 7,701,440 7,701,440 7,701,440 1
Lord of the Rings (Nick's) 5,441,640 5,441,640 5,441,640 1
Medieval Madness (Jim's) 24,391,120 24,391,120 24,391,120 1
Monster Bash (Andy) 1,737,910 1,737,910 1,737,910 1
Oktoberfest (Nick's) 54,990 54,991 54,991 1
Revenge from Mars (Nick's) 21,128,350 21,128,350 21,128,350 1
Road Show (Jim's) 105,087,090 105,087,090 105,087,090 1
Space Station (Adam's) 1,825,300 1,825,300 1,825,300 1
Star Trek (Eddie's) 20,972,700 26,116,130 15,829,270 2
Star Trek LE (Nick's) 29,287,950 49,800,600 9,273,720 3
Star Wars (Stern) (Tilt) 257,758,790 gold medal 257,758,790 257,758,790 1
Star Wars LE (Nick's) 227,962,530 303,165,960 152,759,090 2
Strikes & Spares (Luch's) 155,080 155,080 155,080 1
Terminator 2 (Eddie's) 14,271,050 14,271,050 14,271,050 1
The Shadow (Eddie's) 374,794,620 gold medal 374,794,620 374,794,620 1
Theatre of Magic (Nick's) 63,931,820 113,771,880 14,091,760 2
TOTAN (Eddie's) 5,366,920 5,366,920 5,366,920 1
Transformers LE (Jim's) 15,145,470 15,145,470 15,145,470 1
Tron LE (Nick's) 9,139,650 9,139,650 9,139,650 1
Twilight Zone (Nick's) 45,182,850 45,182,850 45,182,850 1
Volley (Luch's) 152,620 152,620 152,620 1
Walking Dead (Adam's) 3,287,320 3,287,320 3,287,320 1
White Water (Andy) 49,607,130 49,607,130 49,607,130 1
White Water (Bardon's) 27,372,400 27,372,400 27,372,400 1
Whoa Nellie (Luch's) 2,140 2,144 2,144 1
World Cup Soccer 94 (Eddie's) 447,611,520 447,611,520 447,611,520 1
World Cup Soccer (Jim's) 383,411,340 383,411,340 383,411,340 1
World Poker Tour (Jim's) 24,633,470 24,633,470 24,633,470 1
X-Men (Bardon's) 4,280,610 4,280,610 4,280,610 1

Head to Head Results

Win Percentage
Andrew Aiken2250.00%
Andrew Lounsbury2250.00%
Andy McNab2625.00%
Brian Sauve2250.00%
Charles Blaquiere2250.00%
Chris Bardon1325.00%
Chris Draper040.00%
Chris Frolic5362.50%
Danny Roccia2250.00%
Dave Glen3175.00%
David Newman040.00%
Duncan McFarlane2250.00%
Jason Gillard13765.00%
Jeff Knights40100.00%
Jim Wilks3175.00%
Joey Shynn1325.00%
John Clegg1325.00%
Karl Braun4450.00%
Kirk Hutton5362.50%
Kyle Dubourdieu40100.00%
Mat Boisselle3175.00%
Mike Faria3537.50%
Mike Luciani4450.00%
Ryan Matheson1325.00%
Simon Brown2250.00%
Simon Haxton040.00%
Spencer Sachs3175.00%
Stephane Raymond3925.00%
Steve Machado2250.00%

Badges Awarded (15)

Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 07/07/2019 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2019 meet 9)
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on 3 machines.

Earned 07/23/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 13)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 06/18/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 06/11/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 7)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/04/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 6)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 05/28/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 5)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 05/21/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 4)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 04/09/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 13)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 03/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 8)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 03/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 8)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 03/05/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 8)