Active from 01/13/2014 through 05/02/2022.
Played 17 seasons, 72 meets, 288 games.
Machine | Average Score | Highest Score | Lowest Score | Plays |
Abra ca Dabra (Luch's) | 32,510 | 32,510 | 32,510 | 1 |
Abra Ca Dabra (Maple) | 13,890 | 13,890 | 13,890 | 1 |
AC/DC (Luch's) | 4,467,360 | 4,467,360 | 4,467,360 | 1 |
AC/DC (Nick's) | 37,051,440 | 58,787,860 | 15,315,020 | 2 |
ACDC (Frolic’s) | 10,957,700 | 13,674,300 | 8,241,100 | 2 |
Addams Family (Andrew) | 7,477,660 | 7,477,660 | 7,477,660 | 1 |
Aerosmith LE (The Pint) | 6,410,320 | 6,410,320 | 6,410,320 | 1 |
Alien Poker (The Pint) | 85,990 | 85,990 | 85,990 | 1 |
Amazon Hunt (Kim's) | 888,950 | 888,950 | 888,950 | 1 |
Atlantis (Bluffs) | 543,940 | 543,940 | 543,940 | 1 |
Atlantis (Maple) | 644,520 | 644,520 | 644,520 | 1 |
Attack From Mars (Andrew) | 534,070,370 | 916,730,060 | 151,410,670 | 2 |
Attack from Mars (Jim's) | 1,115,690,800 | 1,115,690,800 | 1,115,690,800 | 1 |
Attack From Mars (Nick's) | 1,127,340,720 | 1,380,803,490 | 842,119,410 | 3 |
Avengers (Andrew) | 1,464,930 | 1,464,930 | 1,464,930 | 1 |
Avengers (Jim's) | 2,346,320 | 2,346,320 | 2,346,320 | 1 |
Avengers (Josh’s) | 1,395,110 | 1,395,110 | 1,395,110 | 1 |
Avengers (Nick's) | 3,164,850 | 3,164,850 | 3,164,850 | 1 |
Bad Cats (Maple) | 1,039,040 | 1,039,040 | 1,039,040 | 1 |
Banzai Run (Jim's) | 813,670 | 967,470 | 628,080 | 3 |
Batman 66 LE (Nick's) | 36,870,360 | 63,179,640 | 10,561,080 | 2 |
Batman Dark Knight (Frolic’s) | 35,554,680 | 64,994,240 | 6,115,110 | 2 |
Batman Dark Knight (Josh’s) | 4,659,600 | 4,659,600 | 4,659,600 | 1 |
Batman Dark Night (Eddie's) | 7,336,120 | 7,336,120 | 7,336,120 | 1 |
Batman: The Dark Knight (Jim's) | 6,359,080 | 8,142,230 | 4,968,300 | 3 |
Big Bang Bar (Jim's) | 36,865,640 | 36,865,640 | 36,865,640 | 1 |
Buccaneer (Bluffs) | 37,630 | 37,630 | 37,630 | 1 |
Cactus Canyon (Jim's) | 6,295,110 | 13,356,170 | 2,708,960 | 3 |
Captain Fantastic (Kim's) | 31,280 | 31,280 | 31,280 | 1 |
Centaur 2 (Bluffs) | 373,610 | 373,610 | 373,610 | 1 |
Centaur II (Adam's) | 353,790 | 353,790 | 353,790 | 1 |
Charlies Angels (Kim's) | 73,400 | 73,400 | 73,400 | 1 |
Check Point (Eddie's) | 2,141,860 | 2,141,860 | 2,141,860 | 1 |
Chicago (Tilt) | 26,740 | 26,740 | 26,740 | 1 |
Cirqus Voltaire (Bardon's) | 4,948,090 | 4,948,090 | 4,948,090 | 1 |
Congo (Adam's) | 48,826,140 | 48,826,140 | 48,826,140 | 1 |
Congo (Bluffs) | 55,842,080 | 55,842,080 | 55,842,080 | 1 |
Corvette (Jim's) | 178,838,730 | 280,320,060 | 77,357,400 | 2 |
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Adam's) | 16,973,290 | 16,973,290 | 16,973,290 | 1 |
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Nick's) | 37,016,070 | 45,184,020 | 28,323,250 | 3 |
CSI (Kim's) | 4,947,610 | 7,422,960 | 2,472,260 | 2 |
Demolition Man (Bluffs) | 73,954,340 | 73,954,340 | 73,954,340 | 1 |
Demolition Man (Eddie's) | 265,641,470 | 265,641,470 | 265,641,470 | 1 |
Dialed In (Bardon's) | 34,660 | 34,660 | 34,660 | 1 |
Earthshaker (Andrew) | 1,353,420 | 1,353,420 | 1,353,420 | 1 |
El Dorado (The Pint) | 5,230 | 5,230 | 5,230 | 1 |
Elektra (Bluffs) | 347,020 | 347,020 | 347,020 | 1 |
Elvira and the Party Monsters (Kim's) | 2,289,060 | 5,179,040 | 743,570 | 4 |
Elvira and the Party Monsters (Maple) | 602,220 | 602,220 | 602,220 | 1 |
Elvis (Andy) | 5,526,160 | 5,526,160 | 5,526,160 | 1 |
Elvis (Eddie's) | 6,134,610 | 6,134,610 | 6,134,610 | 1 |
Elvis (Jim's) | 35,987,760 | 35,987,760 | 35,987,760 | 1 |
Family Guy (Andrew) | 10,370,570 | 12,184,480 | 8,556,660 | 2 |
Family Guy (Luch's) | 4,968,220 | 4,968,220 | 4,968,220 | 1 |
Firepower 2 (Bluffs) | 365,570 | 365,570 | 365,570 | 1 |
Fish Tales (Nick's) | 52,832,440 | 92,669,590 | 12,995,280 | 2 |
Flash Gordon (Adam's) | 171,800 | 171,800 | 171,800 | 1 |
Flintstones (Kim's) | 485,682,730 | 485,682,730 | 485,682,730 | 1 |
Frontier (Adam's) | 99,770 | 99,770 | 99,770 | 1 |
Funhouse (Andrew) | 4,600,000 | 8,429,410 | 2,053,190 | 4 |
Funhouse (Tilt) | 2,697,530 | 2,697,530 | 2,697,530 | 1 |
Future Spa (Bluffs) | 26,130 | 26,130 | 26,130 | 1 |
Game of Thrones LE (Luch's) | 12,058,520 | 18,105,060 | 7,866,740 | 3 |
Game of Thrones LE (The Pint) | 29,984,970 | 29,984,970 | 29,984,970 | 1 |
Genesis (Adam's) | 709,560 | 709,560 | 709,560 | 1 |
Ghostbusters (Tilt) | 29,462,140 | 29,462,140 | 29,462,140 | 1 |
Godzilla (Adam's) | 28,257,150 | 28,257,150 | 28,257,150 | 1 |
Golden Arrow (Bluffs) | 71,320 | 71,320 | 71,320 | 1 |
Grand Prix (Bluffs) | 886,560 | 886,560 | 886,560 | 1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (Nick's) | 45,753,980 |
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45,753,980 | 1 |
Guns N Roses (Eddie's) | 182,626,750 | 182,626,750 | 182,626,750 | 1 |
Guns n Roses (Kim's) | 264,706,070 | 291,380,030 | 238,032,100 | 2 |
Guns N Roses (Nick's) | 110,021,340 | 110,021,340 | 110,021,340 | 1 |
Harlem Globetrotters (Josh’s) | 17,550 | 17,550 | 17,550 | 1 |
High Roller Casino (Luch's) | 78,844,080 | 78,844,080 | 78,844,080 | 1 |
High Speed (Tilt) | 1,595,870 | 1,595,870 | 1,595,870 | 1 |
Hobbit (Andrew) | 75,700 | 75,703 | 75,703 | 1 |
Hobbit (Nick's) | 195,830 | 195,834 | 195,834 | 1 |
HS2 (Andy) | 70,779,860 | 70,779,860 | 70,779,860 | 1 |
Indiana Jones (Jim's) | 65,279,900 | 92,219,200 | 22,663,990 | 3 |
Indiana Jones (Stern) (Kim's) | 13,121,620 | 13,121,620 | 13,121,620 | 1 |
Indy 500 (Luch's) | 41,023,830 | 41,023,830 | 41,023,830 | 1 |
Iron Maiden LE (Nick's) | 86,360,420 | 86,360,420 | 86,360,420 | 1 |
Iron Man (Andrew) | 7,571,640 | 8,225,790 | 6,459,440 | 3 |
Iron Man (Josh’s) | 1,768,290 | 1,768,290 | 1,768,290 | 1 |
Iron Man (Luch's) | 14,963,600 | 14,963,600 | 14,963,600 | 1 |
Iron Man (Nick's) | 3,430,680 | 3,430,680 | 3,430,680 | 1 |
Jack*bot (Adam's) | 658,751,200 | 819,485,350 | 498,017,050 | 2 |
Jack*Bot (Jim's) | 605,204,490 | 605,204,490 | 605,204,490 | 1 |
Jacks Open (3030) | 46,350 | 46,350 | 46,350 | 1 |
Jacks Open (Tilt) | 24,560 | 24,560 | 24,560 | 1 |
Johnny Mnemonic (Bardon's) | 398,619,300 | 749,924,820 | 183,287,840 | 3 |
Joker Poker (Adam's) | 74,150 | 74,150 | 74,150 | 1 |
Judge Dredd (Eddie's) | 44,220,720 | 44,220,720 | 44,220,720 | 1 |
Jurassic Park (DE) (Maple) | 75,700,800 | 75,700,800 | 75,700,800 | 1 |
Jurassic Park (Eddie's) | 17,702,900 | 17,702,900 | 17,702,900 | 1 |
Jurrasic Park: Lost World (Adam's) | 484,690 | 484,690 | 484,690 | 1 |
KISS (Bally) (Kim's) | 589,170 | 589,170 | 589,170 | 1 |
KISS (Bally) (Maple) | 70,340 | 70,340 | 70,340 | 1 |
Lethal Weapon 3 (Tilt) | 14,857,170 | 14,857,170 | 14,857,170 | 1 |
Lord of the Rings (Adam's) | 7,484,220 | 7,484,220 | 7,484,220 | 1 |
Lord of the Rings (Andrew) | 4,599,700 | 4,599,700 | 4,599,700 | 1 |
Lord of the Rings (Bardon's) | 5,016,620 | 5,528,170 | 4,328,710 | 3 |
Lost World (Nick's) | 46,110 | 46,110 | 46,110 | 1 |
Mars Trek (Eddie's) | 303,700 | 303,700 | 303,700 | 1 |
Metallica (Andrew) | 23,261,640 | 32,044,610 | 14,478,670 | 2 |
Metallica (Frolic’s) | 2,322,890 | 2,322,890 | 2,322,890 | 1 |
Metallica (Josh’s) | 1,250,550 | 1,250,550 | 1,250,550 | 1 |
Meteor (Nick's) | 219,610 | 219,610 | 219,610 | 1 |
Meteor (Tilt) | 46,800 | 46,800 | 46,800 | 1 |
Monaco (Adam's) | 595,620 | 595,620 | 595,620 | 1 |
Monster Bash (Andrew) | 40,324,660 | 115,676,810 | 570,510 | 3 |
Monster Bash (Jim's) | 13,826,530 | 13,826,530 | 13,826,530 | 1 |
Mousin Around (Adam's) | 1,017,100 | 1,017,100 | 1,017,100 | 1 |
Munsters (Tilt) | 5,515,450 | 5,515,450 | 5,515,450 | 1 |
Mustang LE (Luch's) | 10,900,340 | 10,900,340 | 10,900,340 | 1 |
NASCAR (Luch's) | 10,233,840 | 13,408,140 | 7,059,530 | 2 |
NBA Fastbreak (Jim's) | 8 | 8 | 8 | 1 |
No Fear (Kim's) | 174,630,920 | 174,630,920 | 174,630,920 | 1 |
No Good Gofers (Bardon's) | 1,830,830 | 1,830,830 | 1,830,830 | 1 |
No Good Gofers (Jim's) | 7,281,770 | 7,281,770 | 7,281,770 | 1 |
OXO (Bluffs) | 52,420 | 52,420 | 52,420 | 1 |
Paragon (Jim's) | 196,500 | 196,500 | 196,500 | 1 |
Party Zone (Jim's) | 2,287,700 | 2,287,700 | 2,287,700 | 1 |
Party Zone (Kim's) | 26,788,910 | 53,267,440 | 310,380 | 2 |
Pinbot (Eddie's) | 216,600 | 216,600 | 216,600 | 1 |
Pirates of the Carribean (Luch's) | 8,689,580 | 21,583,690 | 3,229,060 | 4 |
Playboy (Bally) (Luch's) | 776,390 | 776,390 | 776,390 | 1 |
Quicksilver (Adam's) | 388,020 | 388,020 | 388,020 | 1 |
Raven (Nick's) | 243,300 | 243,300 | 243,300 | 1 |
Revenge From Mars (Jim's) | 65,751,610 | 65,751,610 | 65,751,610 | 1 |
Revenge From Mars (Kim's) | 40,936,200 | 40,936,200 | 40,936,200 | 1 |
Revenge from Mars (Nick's) | 41,384,060 | 45,651,300 | 36,748,870 | 3 |
Ripley's Believe it or Not (Jim's) | 17,403,390 | 17,403,390 | 17,403,390 | 1 |
Rob Zombie (Nick's) | 1,755,960 | 1,755,960 | 1,755,960 | 1 |
Roller Coaster Tycoon (Frolic’s) | 1,440,330 | 1,440,330 | 1,440,330 | 1 |
Roller Coaster Tycoon (Jim's) | 2,510,820 | 2,510,820 | 2,510,820 | 1 |
Rolling Stones (Bally) (Kim's) | 84,070 | 84,070 | 84,070 | 1 |
Rush LE (Maple) | 41,088,330 | 41,088,330 | 41,088,330 | 1 |
Safecracker (Nick's) | 69,210 | 69,210 | 69,210 | 1 |
Scared Stiff (Nick's) | 6,344,060 | 13,674,740 | 2,465,270 | 3 |
Shadow (CF) | 158,452,090 | 158,452,090 | 158,452,090 | 1 |
Shrek (Eddie's) | 5,184,090 | 5,184,090 | 5,184,090 | 1 |
Silverball Mania (Nick's) | 431,770 | 431,770 | 431,770 | 1 |
Simpsons Pinball Party (Andrew) | 3,156,430 | 3,156,430 | 3,156,430 | 1 |
Simpsons Pinball Party (Bardon's) | 3,851,250 | 5,840,440 | 1,862,050 | 2 |
Sinbad (Bluffs) | 87,870 | 87,870 | 87,870 | 1 |
Sinbad (Luch's) | 33,420 | 51,300 | 15,540 | 2 |
Sopranos (Kim's) | 10,702,090 | 17,482,860 | 3,921,310 | 2 |
Sorcerer (Tilt) | 1,420,790 | 1,420,790 | 1,420,790 | 1 |
Space Station (Adam's) | 636,510 | 636,510 | 636,510 | 1 |
Spider-man (Andrew) | 70,287,350 | 70,287,350 | 70,287,350 | 1 |
Spider-Man (Andy) | 4,121,690 | 4,121,690 | 4,121,690 | 1 |
Spider-man (Bardon's) | 8,709,280 | 8,709,280 | 8,709,280 | 1 |
Spider-Man (Kim's) | 32,089,160 | 45,773,400 | 8,638,570 | 3 |
Spider-Man (Nick's) | 9,873,020 | 9,873,020 | 9,873,020 | 1 |
Star Trek LE (Nick's) | 10,531,080 | 25,721,820 | 2,876,490 | 5 |
Star Trek Pro (Kim's) | 18,581,240 | 18,581,240 | 18,581,240 | 1 |
Star Trek TNG (CF) | 132,367,940 | 132,367,940 | 132,367,940 | 1 |
Star Trek TNG (Luch's) | 119,758,610 | 130,988,700 | 108,528,520 | 2 |
Star Wars (Stern) (Tilt) | 44,102,380 | 44,102,380 | 44,102,380 | 1 |
Star Wars Ep 1 (Kim's) | 22,434,670 | 22,434,670 | 22,434,670 | 1 |
Star Wars LE (Nick's) | 34,353,280 | 41,762,850 | 26,943,700 | 2 |
Starship Troopers (Eddie's) | 19,057,310 | 19,057,310 | 19,057,310 | 1 |
Striker Extreme (Maple) | 47,484,810 | 47,484,810 | 47,484,810 | 1 |
Strikes & Spares (Luch's) | 93,970 | 93,970 | 93,970 | 1 |
Strikes and Spares (Josh’s) | 48,750 | 48,750 | 48,750 | 1 |
Strikes and Spares (Nick's) | 63,910 | 63,910 | 63,910 | 1 |
Supersonic (Luch's) | 41,160 | 41,160 | 41,160 | 1 |
Tales of the Arabian Night (Nick's) | 1,408,280 | 2,158,440 | 449,810 | 4 |
Terminator 3 (Bluffs) | 16,803,100 | 19,316,380 | 13,840,580 | 3 |
Terminator 3 (Jim's) | 36,064,840 | 43,058,390 | 29,071,290 | 2 |
Terminator 3 (Kim's) | 20,442,980 | 25,185,380 | 13,443,200 | 4 |
The Addams Family (Bluffs) | 30,059,800 | 53,169,370 | 6,950,230 | 2 |
The Addams Family (Luch's) | 10,534,390 | 10,534,390 | 10,534,390 | 1 |
The Addams Family (Tilt) | 2,740,270 | 2,740,270 | 2,740,270 | 1 |
The Getaway (Luch's) | 38,988,220 | 38,988,220 | 38,988,220 | 1 |
The Shadow (Adam's) | 78,531,650 | 78,531,650 | 78,531,650 | 1 |
The Simpsons (DE) (3030) | 659,680 | 659,680 | 659,680 | 1 |
The Walking Dead (Frolic’s) | 7,763,820 | 7,936,280 | 7,591,350 | 2 |
Theatre of Magic (Jim's) | 248,306,660 | 248,306,660 | 248,306,660 | 1 |
Theatre of Magic (Nick's) | 67,200,180 | 67,200,180 | 67,200,180 | 1 |
Transformers (Andrew) | 9,430,590 | 9,430,590 | 9,430,590 | 1 |
Transformers (CF) | 4,011,540 | 4,011,540 | 4,011,540 | 1 |
Transformers (Eddie's) | 2,382,200 | 2,382,200 | 2,382,200 | 1 |
Travel Time (Josh’s) | 26,560 | 26,560 | 26,560 | 1 |
Tron (Josh’s) | 29,251,250 | 29,251,250 | 29,251,250 | 1 |
Tron LE (Nick's) | 11,716,490 | 16,906,830 | 7,496,790 | 3 |
Twilight Zone (Bardon's) | 84,444,320 | 185,527,100 | 32,185,310 | 3 |
TX Sector (Adam's) | 617,300 | 617,300 | 617,300 | 1 |
Volley (Luch's) | 6,410 | 6,410 | 6,410 | 1 |
Walking Dead (Adam's) | 8,880,360 | 13,600,750 | 4,159,960 | 2 |
Wheel of Fortune (Kim's) | 13,387,760 | 13,387,760 | 13,387,760 | 1 |
Whirlwind (3030) | 1,276,380 | 1,276,380 | 1,276,380 | 1 |
Whirlwind (Andrew) | 3,854,440 | 3,854,440 | 3,854,440 | 1 |
Whirlwind (Luch's) | 2,859,370 | 2,859,370 | 2,859,370 | 1 |
White Water (Andy) | 11,780,780 | 11,780,780 | 11,780,780 | 1 |
White Water (CF) | 2,050,110 | 2,050,110 | 2,050,110 | 1 |
Wizard of Oz (Andrew) | 33,040 | 61,573 | 4,505 | 2 |
Wizard of Oz (Nick's) | 60,190 | 97,640 | 20,089 | 3 |
Wizard of Oz ECLE (Kim's) | 71,640 | 71,644 | 71,644 | 1 |
World Cup Soccer (Nick's) | 550,632,090 | 550,632,090 | 550,632,090 | 1 |
World Poker Tour (Jim's) | 13,774,390 | 19,407,060 | 8,141,720 | 2 |
X-Men (Bardon's) | 3,225,340 | 3,225,340 | 3,225,340 | 1 |
Xenon (Tilt) | 386,130 |
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386,130 | 1 |
Xmen (Luch's) | 2,311,870 | 2,311,870 | 2,311,870 | 1 |
Xmen (Nick's) | 5,922,350 | 5,922,350 | 5,922,350 | 1 |
Triple Jackpot Earned for scoring 450 total league points. Earned 05/02/2022 (Toronto Pinball League Spring 2022 meet 2) | |
Power Points Earned for scoring 24 or more points three times in a season. Earned 03/09/2020 (Toronto Pinball League Winter 2020 meet 9) | |
Double Jackpot Earned for scoring 300 total league points. Earned 12/03/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 12) | |
Museum Earned for playing 50 different machines. Earned 11/19/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 10) | |
DOHO Earned for earning the DOHO badge. Earned 10/15/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 5) | |
Trifecta Earned for finishing a season with the high score on 3 machines. Earned 07/23/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 13) | |
Pwnage Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season. Earned 07/23/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 13) | |
Arcade Earned for playing 30 different machines. Earned 05/28/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 5) | |
Jackpot Earned for scoring 150 total league points. Earned 05/21/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 4) | |
Weiner Earned for winning your group. Earned 05/01/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 1) | |
Billionaire Club Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine. Earned 05/01/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 1) | |
Going for Gold Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine. Earned 04/16/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 14) | |
Consistency Earned for scoring 16+ points for 5 consecutive meets. Earned 04/02/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 12) | |
Game Room Earned for playing 15 different machines. Earned 03/19/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 10) | |
Best in Show Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet. Earned 01/29/2018 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2018 meet 4) |