Active from 12/08/2014 through 02/08/2016.
Played 4 seasons, 32 meets, 128 games.
Machine | Average Score | Highest Score | Lowest Score | Plays |
Abra ca Dabra (Luch's) | 73,050 | 73,050 | 73,050 | 1 |
AC/DC (Luch's) | 6,722,460 | 6,722,460 | 6,722,460 | 1 |
Attack From Mars (Andrew) | 930,503,050 | 1,041,446,580 | 819,559,520 | 2 |
Attack From Mars (Nick's) | 1,508,683,550 | 1,508,683,550 | 1,508,683,550 | 1 |
Avengers (Josh’s) | 1,895,740 | 1,895,740 | 1,895,740 | 1 |
Avengers (Kim's) | 2,122,190 | 2,122,190 | 2,122,190 | 1 |
Batman Dark Knight (Frolic’s) | 10,628,320 | 10,628,320 | 10,628,320 | 1 |
Batman Dark Knight (Kim's) | 12,169,000 | 13,534,360 | 10,803,630 | 2 |
Batman: The Dark Knight (Jim's) | 39,372,100 | 39,372,100 | 39,372,100 | 1 |
Batman: The Dark Knight (Luch's) | 12,184,990 | 12,184,990 | 12,184,990 | 1 |
Big Bang Bar (Jim's) | 118,298,030 | 118,298,030 | 118,298,030 | 1 |
Big Bang Bar (Nick's) | 9,318,590 | 9,318,590 | 9,318,590 | 1 |
Black Pyramid (Adam's) | 478,120 | 478,120 | 478,120 | 1 |
Cactus Canyon (Jim's) | 7,744,000 | 7,744,000 | 7,744,000 | 1 |
Captain Fantastic (Kim's) | 33,580 | 33,580 | 33,580 | 1 |
Charlies Angels (Kim's) | 59,120 | 59,120 | 59,120 | 1 |
Cirqus Voltaire (Bardon's) | 13,597,190 | 13,597,190 | 13,597,190 | 1 |
Congo (Adam's) | 327,674,690 | 327,674,690 | 327,674,690 | 1 |
Corvette (Jim's) | 58,174,020 | 58,174,020 | 58,174,020 | 1 |
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Adam's) | 13,602,180 | 13,602,180 | 13,602,180 | 1 |
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Nick's) | 18,718,230 | 18,718,230 | 18,718,230 | 1 |
CSI (Kim's) | 11,937,180 | 11,937,180 | 11,937,180 | 1 |
Cue Ball Wizard (3030) | 67,621,600 | 67,621,600 | 67,621,600 | 1 |
El Dorado: City of Gold (Adam's) | 469,220 | 469,220 | 469,220 | 1 |
Elvis (Kim's) | 55,881,460 | 85,554,700 | 26,208,210 | 2 |
Family Guy (Luch's) | 17,220,990 | 17,220,990 | 17,220,990 | 1 |
Flash Gordon (Adam's) | 399,200 | 399,200 | 399,200 | 1 |
Frontier (Adam's) | 171,180 | 225,230 | 117,130 | 2 |
Funhouse (Andrew) | 6,259,310 | 9,616,610 | 2,902,000 | 2 |
Genesis (Adam's) | 577,600 | 680,340 | 474,850 | 2 |
Getaway High Speed II (Andrew) | 30,008,010 | 30,950,890 | 29,065,120 | 2 |
Godzilla (Adam's) | 35,096,810 | 58,674,510 | 11,519,100 | 2 |
Guns n Roses (Kim's) | 932,117,530 | 932,117,530 | 932,117,530 | 1 |
Harley Davidson (Stern) (Kim's) | 115,645,470 | 115,645,470 | 115,645,470 | 1 |
HS2-The Getaway (3030) | 60,946,970 | 60,946,970 | 60,946,970 | 1 |
HS2-The Getaway (Eddie's) | 4,374,790 | 4,374,790 | 4,374,790 | 1 |
Indiana Jones (Jim's) | 65,230,280 | 65,230,280 | 65,230,280 | 1 |
Indiana Jones (Stern) (Luch's) | 24,178,450 | 24,178,450 | 24,178,450 | 1 |
Iron Man (Adam's) | 4,641,120 | 4,900,100 | 4,382,130 | 2 |
Iron Man (Andrew) | 10,426,500 | 10,848,010 | 10,004,990 | 2 |
Iron Man (Luch's) | 18,159,080 | 18,159,080 | 18,159,080 | 1 |
Jack*bot (Adam's) | 372,762,890 | 372,762,890 | 372,762,890 | 1 |
Johnny Mnemonic (Bardon's) | 1,172,082,460 | 1,172,082,460 | 1,172,082,460 | 1 |
Joker Poker (Adam's) | 85,280 | 85,280 | 85,280 | 1 |
Judge Dredd (Eddie's) | 55,724,930 | 55,724,930 | 55,724,930 | 1 |
Jungle Queen (3030) | 33,810 | 33,810 | 33,810 | 1 |
Jungle Queen (Kim's) | 93,500 | 112,310 | 74,680 | 2 |
Lord of the Rings (Adam's) | 6,997,620 | 7,293,950 | 6,701,280 | 2 |
Metallica (Andrew) | 11,361,070 | 11,361,070 | 11,361,070 | 1 |
Metallica (Frolic’s) | 15,841,290 | 15,841,290 | 15,841,290 | 1 |
Metallica (Josh’s) | 18,923,440 | 18,923,444 | 18,923,444 | 1 |
Monopoly (Luch's) | 3,085,310 | 4,745,890 | 1,424,730 | 2 |
Monster Bash (Andrew) | 43,731,090 | 57,679,000 | 29,783,180 | 2 |
Mousin Around (Adam's) | 581,000 | 581,000 | 581,000 | 1 |
Mustang LE (Luch's) | 10,421,890 | 10,421,890 | 10,421,890 | 1 |
NASCAR (Luch's) | 12,535,550 | 22,559,020 | 3,263,460 | 3 |
No Fear (Kim's) | 371,817,980 | 597,281,440 | 224,921,440 | 3 |
No Good Gofers (Bardon's) | 3,599,140 | 3,599,140 | 3,599,140 | 1 |
Party Zone (Kim's) | 43,759,470 | 43,759,470 | 43,759,470 | 1 |
Pirates of the Carribean (Luch's) | 11,283,840 | 11,283,840 | 11,283,840 | 1 |
Pro Pool (3030) | 91,480 | 91,480 | 91,480 | 1 |
Raven (Nick's) | 366,650 | 366,650 | 366,650 | 1 |
Revenge from Mars (Nick's) | 17,782,160 | 17,782,160 | 17,782,160 | 1 |
Roller Coaster Tycoon (Jim's) | 6,195,750 | 8,010,110 | 4,381,380 | 2 |
Rolling Stones (Bally) (Kim's) | 129,130 | 129,130 | 129,130 | 1 |
Scared Stiff (Nick's) | 6,265,540 | 8,493,870 | 2,508,010 | 3 |
Shrek (Eddie's) | 2,497,060 | 2,497,060 | 2,497,060 | 1 |
Simpsons (DE) (Kim's) | 1,281,750 | 1,281,750 | 1,281,750 | 1 |
Simpsons Pinball Party (Andrew) | 1,957,930 | 2,395,440 | 1,520,410 | 2 |
Simpsons Pinball Party (Bardon's) | 2,379,200 | 2,962,880 | 1,795,510 | 2 |
Sopranos (Eddie's) | 10,976,170 | 10,976,170 | 10,976,170 | 1 |
Sopranos (Kim's) | 4,693,460 | 4,693,460 | 4,693,460 | 1 |
Space Station (Adam's) | 2,448,400 | 2,448,400 | 2,448,400 | 1 |
Spider-man (Andrew) | 175,527,030 | 175,527,030 | 175,527,030 | 1 |
Spin Out (Luch's) | 23,940 | 23,940 | 23,940 | 1 |
Star Trek (Frolic’s) | 54,148,010 | 54,148,010 | 54,148,010 | 1 |
Star Trek LE (Nick's) | 14,212,090 | 14,212,090 | 14,212,090 | 1 |
Strikes and Spares (Josh’s) | 183,650 | 183,650 | 183,650 | 1 |
Supersonic (Luch's) | 56,030 | 56,030 | 56,030 | 1 |
Surf Champ (Josh’s) | 30,650 | 30,650 | 30,650 | 1 |
Tales of the Arabian Nights (Jim's) | 8,311,090 | 8,311,090 | 8,311,090 | 1 |
Terminator 3 (Kim's) | 51,676,550 | 51,676,550 | 51,676,550 | 1 |
The Addams Family (Luch's) | 77,126,270 | 120,465,390 | 33,787,150 | 2 |
The Walking Dead (Frolic’s) | 10,307,740 | 10,307,740 | 10,307,740 | 1 |
Theatre of Magic (Nick's) | 419,000,000 | 419,000,000 | 419,000,000 | 1 |
Time Fantasy (Adam's) | 64,200 | 64,200 | 64,200 | 1 |
Transformers (Andrew) | 7,960,340 | 7,960,340 | 7,960,340 | 1 |
Tron LE (Nick's) | 5,792,600 | 5,792,600 | 5,792,600 | 1 |
Twilight Zone (Bardon's) | 53,738,690 | 53,738,690 | 53,738,690 | 1 |
Twilight Zone (Luch's) | 75,930,500 | 132,508,080 | 24,160,280 | 3 |
Whirlwind (Andrew) | 2,100,700 | 2,100,700 | 2,100,700 | 1 |
Wizard of Oz (Nick's) | 76,810 | 76,814 | 76,814 | 1 |
Wizard of Oz ECLE (Kim's) | 18,290 | 23,648 | 15,487 | 4 |
X-Men (Bardon's) | 13,627,910 | 19,210,080 | 8,045,730 | 2 |
Xmen (Luch's) | 7,620,400 | 16,946,750 | 3,937,170 | 4 |