Active from 06/02/2014 through 03/18/2024.
Played 10 seasons, 36 meets, 146 games.
Machine | Average Score | Highest Score | Lowest Score | Plays |
Abra ca Dabra (Luch's) | 92,220 | 92,220 | 92,220 | 1 |
AC/DC (Luch's) | 15,387,660 | 15,387,660 | 15,387,660 | 1 |
AC/DC (Nick's) | 31,833,080 | 31,833,080 | 31,833,080 | 1 |
Addams Family (Andrew) | 17,540,700 | 30,295,380 | 4,786,010 | 2 |
Attack From Mars (Andrew) | 1,512,490,710 | 1,845,898,410 | 1,250,165,040 | 4 |
Avengers (Andrew) | 1,450,800 | 1,450,800 | 1,450,800 | 1 |
Avengers (Kim's) | 4,823,010 | 6,961,570 | 2,684,450 | 2 |
Avengers (Luch's) | 15,891,030 | 15,891,030 | 15,891,030 | 1 |
Banzai Run (Jim's) | 1,065,630 | 1,427,800 | 703,450 | 2 |
Batman: The Dark Knight (Jim's) | 22,293,540 | 22,293,540 | 22,293,540 | 1 |
Batman: The Dark Knight (Luch's) | 12,036,150 | 14,861,900 | 9,210,390 | 2 |
Beatles (Luch's) | 2,116,270 | 2,946,050 | 1,286,490 | 2 |
Big Bang Bar (Jim's) | 58,086,420 | 91,279,110 | 24,893,720 | 2 |
Black Knight (Luch's) | 575,070 | 575,070 | 575,070 | 1 |
Bride of Pinbot (Bluffs) | 6,939,620 | 6,939,620 | 6,939,620 | 1 |
Captain Fantastic (Kim's) | 25,530 | 25,530 | 25,530 | 1 |
Cirqus Voltaire (Nick's) | 8,989,340 | 8,989,340 | 8,989,340 | 1 |
Corvette (Eddie's) | 1,191,410,700 |
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1,191,410,700 | 1 |
Corvette (Jim's) | 245,292,090 | 245,292,090 | 245,292,090 | 1 |
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Nick's) | 63,340,430 | 63,340,430 | 63,340,430 | 1 |
Demolition Man (Bluffs) | 1,386,293,440 | 1,386,293,440 | 1,386,293,440 | 1 |
Demolition Man (Jim's) | 134,773,480 | 134,773,480 | 134,773,480 | 1 |
Dialed In (Luch's) | 609,030 | 609,030 | 609,030 | 1 |
Elektra (Bluffs) | 794,300 | 794,300 | 794,300 | 1 |
Elvis (Jim's) | 6,719,990 | 6,719,990 | 6,719,990 | 1 |
Family Guy (Andrew) | 12,561,880 | 27,482,310 | 2,027,690 | 3 |
Family Guy (Luch's) | 9,618,690 | 9,618,690 | 9,618,690 | 1 |
Farfalla (Bluffs) | 499,460 | 499,460 | 499,460 | 1 |
Fish Tales (Nick's) | 9,011,880 | 10,033,000 | 7,990,760 | 2 |
Flintstones (Kim's) | 38,454,910 | 38,454,910 | 38,454,910 | 1 |
Flip Flop (Luch's) | 149,200 | 149,200 | 149,200 | 1 |
Funhouse (Andrew) | 4,678,990 | 5,897,020 | 3,460,950 | 2 |
Funhouse (Eddie's) | 969,660 | 969,660 | 969,660 | 1 |
Game of Thrones LE (Luch's) | 6,138,450 | 6,231,430 | 6,045,460 | 2 |
Genesis (Adam's) | 354,390 | 354,390 | 354,390 | 1 |
Getaway High Speed II (Andrew) | 34,275,670 | 53,348,740 | 17,186,120 | 3 |
Guns N Roses (Eddie's) | 468,554,560 | 468,554,560 | 468,554,560 | 1 |
Guns n Roses (Kim's) | 412,488,030 | 412,488,030 | 412,488,030 | 1 |
Harley Davidson (Bally) (Kim's) | 743,120 | 743,120 | 743,120 | 1 |
Harley Davidson (Stern) (Kim's) | 82,103,980 | 82,103,980 | 82,103,980 | 1 |
Indiana Jones (Stern) (Kim's) | 39,153,430 | 39,153,430 | 39,153,430 | 1 |
Iron Man (Adam's) | 9,573,700 | 12,870,080 | 6,277,310 | 2 |
Iron Man (Andrew) | 3,321,810 | 4,597,440 | 2,046,180 | 2 |
Iron Man (Luch's) | 6,875,700 | 6,875,700 | 6,875,700 | 1 |
Jack*bot (Adam's) | 717,997,650 | 717,997,650 | 717,997,650 | 1 |
Johnny Mnemonic (Bardon's) | 771,392,950 | 1,346,326,220 | 196,459,680 | 2 |
Joker Poker (Luch's) | 56,260 | 56,260 | 56,260 | 1 |
Jungle Queen (Josh’s) | 81,630 | 81,630 | 81,630 | 1 |
Jungle Queen (Kim's) | 61,520 | 61,520 | 61,520 | 1 |
Jurassic Park (Luch's) | 159,809,040 | 269,128,570 | 50,489,510 | 2 |
Lord of the Rings (Bardon's) | 7,963,540 | 10,620,590 | 5,306,490 | 2 |
Mars Trek (Adam's) | 197,100 | 197,100 | 197,100 | 1 |
Medieval Madness (Nick's) | 34,516,450 | 51,966,940 | 17,065,950 | 2 |
Metallica (Andrew) | 3,515,020 | 4,279,380 | 2,750,650 | 2 |
Monster Bash (Andrew) | 126,277,020 | 234,266,710 | 31,072,990 | 3 |
Monster Bash (Nick's) | 17,419,510 | 17,419,510 | 17,419,510 | 1 |
Mousin Around (Adam's) | 2,647,960 | 3,730,820 | 1,565,090 | 2 |
Mustang LE (Luch's) | 34,958,780 | 66,307,850 | 14,870,020 | 4 |
No Fear (Kim's) | 576,266,410 | 576,266,410 | 576,266,410 | 1 |
No Good Gofers (Bardon's) | 1,662,410 | 1,662,410 | 1,662,410 | 1 |
Paragon (Jim's) | 184,060 | 184,060 | 184,060 | 1 |
Pirates of the Carribean (Luch's) | 4,186,630 | 4,653,640 | 3,421,910 | 3 |
Playboy (Bally) (Luch's) | 1,041,980 |
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1,041,980 | 1 |
Playboy (Bally) (Nick's) | 50,280 | 81,280 | 19,270 | 2 |
Revenge From Mars (Jim's) | 23,714,780 | 23,714,780 | 23,714,780 | 1 |
Revenge from Mars (Nick's) | 56,819,750 | 68,117,110 | 45,522,390 | 2 |
Road Show (Jim's) | 238,560,010 | 238,560,010 | 238,560,010 | 1 |
Simpsons (DE) (Kim's) | 929,460 | 929,460 | 929,460 | 1 |
Simpsons Pinball Party (Bardon's) | 6,132,590 | 6,132,590 | 6,132,590 | 1 |
Spider-man (Bardon's) | 28,457,070 | 31,113,930 | 25,800,200 | 2 |
Spin Out (Luch's) | 18,860 | 18,860 | 18,860 | 1 |
Star Trek LE (Nick's) | 69,665,760 | 112,206,040 | 36,073,310 | 3 |
Star Trek TNG (Luch's) | 179,058,820 | 242,380,370 | 115,737,260 | 2 |
Supersonic (Luch's) | 16,370 | 16,370 | 16,370 | 1 |
Sure Shot (Luch's) | 35,490 | 35,490 | 35,490 | 1 |
Tales of the Arabian Night (Nick's) | 16,084,310 | 30,165,260 | 2,003,350 | 2 |
Terminator 2 (Jim's) | 6,386,970 | 6,386,970 | 6,386,970 | 1 |
Terminator 2 (Kim's) | 33,519,270 | 33,519,270 | 33,519,270 | 1 |
Terminator 3 (Jim's) | 19,062,030 | 19,062,030 | 19,062,030 | 1 |
The Addams Family (Luch's) | 90,631,600 | 90,631,600 | 90,631,600 | 1 |
The Getaway (Luch's) | 9,091,960 | 9,091,960 | 9,091,960 | 1 |
Theatre of Magic (Nick's) | 416,741,340 | 416,741,340 | 416,741,340 | 1 |
Transformers (Andrew) | 9,820,550 | 9,820,550 | 9,820,550 | 1 |
Transformers LE (Jim's) | 1,730,750 | 1,730,750 | 1,730,750 | 1 |
Tron LE (Nick's) | 9,778,830 | 9,778,830 | 9,778,830 | 1 |
Twilight Zone (Bardon's) | 212,986,630 | 298,324,560 | 123,053,230 | 3 |
Twilight Zone (Luch's) | 88,101,260 | 88,101,260 | 88,101,260 | 1 |
TX Sector (Adam's) | 663,810 | 663,810 | 663,810 | 1 |
Volley (Luch's) | 171,900 | 171,900 | 171,900 | 1 |
Wheel of Fortune (Jim's) | 2,741,640 | 2,741,640 | 2,741,640 | 1 |
Wheel of Fortune (Kim's) | 7,045,190 | 11,029,620 | 3,060,760 | 2 |
White Water (Bardon's) | 230,218,940 | 403,645,900 | 56,791,980 | 2 |
Whitewater (Andrew) | 17,795,440 | 17,795,440 | 17,795,440 | 1 |
Wizard of Oz (Andrew) | 97,510 | 159,570 | 36,078 | 4 |
Wizard of Oz (Nick's) | 24,340 | 24,338 | 24,338 | 1 |
Wizard of Oz ECLE (Kim's) | 32,500 | 40,388 | 24,606 | 2 |
World Poker Tour (Jim's) | 4,135,480 | 4,135,480 | 4,135,480 | 1 |
X-Men (Bardon's) | 9,029,690 | 14,107,980 | 5,215,240 | 3 |
Daily Double Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet. Earned 03/18/2024 (Toronto Pinball League Season 2 2024 meet 2) | |
Going for Gold Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine. Earned 02/19/2024 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2024 meet 7) | |
Best in Show Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet. Earned 01/09/2024 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2024 meet 1) | |
Weiner Earned for winning your group. Earned 01/09/2024 (Toronto Pinball League Season 1 2024 meet 1) |